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Spring Cleaning & Tips for Getting Organized

March 05, 2018
Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

Brookfield Residential is proud to build #TheBestPlacesToCallHome, and we know that home feels best when it’s organized and aligned to fit your lifestyle. In just two weeks the official start of spring will be here, so it’s the perfect time of year to fling open the windows to let fresh air in and to start spring cleaning. The key to successful spring cleaning is to not try to do it all at once. Instead, pick from one of these five themes to get your Brookfield Residential home organized. Focus your energy where it counts.

Here’s how to get started:

Go with the Flow

Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

The flow of your home is the natural pathways that you and your family tread repeatedly throughout your home, and the energetic way you live. The key areas in which you spend most of your time are likely the kitchen, family room, and master ensuite bathroom. These central hubs are great places to begin decluttering, because the less stuff is in your way, the easier it will be to clean. Since you spend the most time in these rooms, you’ll gain the most benefits from having them organized. 

Target Clutter

Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

Clutter is the single greatest enemy of a home. It causes visual disorder and distraction, makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for, and often includes many items that we no longer actually use. Go through any areas that have accumulated miscellaneous clutter – drawers and closets are common culprits – and discard anything that you no longer want or need. Then store the remaining items using space-saving storage devices such as shelves, toy boxes and decorative baskets to help create order and cohesion.


Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

Along with eliminating clutter, putting similar items together in jars or other storage methods will give you peace of mind and make finding things a cinch. Compartmentalize your home by having each area serve a specific purpose. For example, cupboards or a pantry contain food items, your bedroom is a space to relax and unwind, and your home office is the only place where work gets done. Give each space a distinct purpose, and organization will become easy and intuitive.

Create Smart Nooks

Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

Nooks are little corners of your home that offer peaceful places of calm and quiet. They’re great for reading, meditating, napping or just getting away to spend a few moments lost in thought. Nooks are ideal as they offer little moments of respite from our busy lifestyles – they act as private getaways in our own homes.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

Perhaps you have – or would like – a cozy nook in a corner of the family room or next to your bed. Take time to cultivate this space and to turn it into something special that you can turn to again and again. Nooks are easy to set up, and creating one is one of the more fun sides of spring cleaning and organizing!

Develop a Maintenance System

Spring Cleaning Tips for Getting Organized

These tips will keep your home neat and organized, and you’ll probably want to keep it this way! Let’s face it, over the course of a weekend it doesn’t seem like a good time to get cleaning projects going. By creating daily, weekly and monthly chore lists for things such as cleaning and doing laundry that are simple and easy, you can get the whole family on board with them and stay on schedule. Seasonal items are also helpful, such as quarterly closet clean-outs.

For more tips, inspiration and interior eye candy, make sure to LIKE us on Facebook! We’ll see you there.