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Now Active Across All Denver Neighborhoods!
Ready to purchase a new home from Brookfield Residential? Now you can sell your existing home to Zillow® and enjoy an extended closing time—up to eight months—while your new home is being built. It’s that easy.
Get a no-obligation offer directly from Zillow—no staging, no hidden fees, no surprises. Buyer will receive a $1,000 credit after close of escrow when using Zillow Offers.
Get paid with no surprises
Once you close, payment is transferred and 100% guaranteed.
Skip the home prep
Forget repainting, repairs and renovations—you won’t need to stage or list your home.
Close and move when you want
Pick closing and move-out dates that work with your timeline.
Count on dedicated support
Get on-call support from your Zillow Advisor and easily track progress on your dashboard.